4.19.24 Neighborhood Association Incorporated
5.11.24 Crosswalks: Next week, the city will conduct a pedestrian count at Rivermor & Parkers to determine if we qualify for enhanced crosswalks. These crosswalks can make it safer for our kids, parents, and crossing guards, especially during peak hours (school time!). For accurate numbers, we need every student who normally walks to school to do so next week! Safety: Capital projects are working on a concept plan for adding an SPD substation next to the firehouse. However, we do have a barrier, we need council approval for funding so we will make sure Alderwoman Bernetta Lanier and Mayor Van Johnson are on it and getting support from the rest of council. Infrastructure: Savannah and GDOT have agreed that something needs to be done at the intersection of Benton & JDH. Though Benton is a city road, GDOT needed to approve the resurfacing plans. The road surface is failing. Our current plan is to resurface (that area) of Benton Boulevard at that intersection and create a turn lane to ease traffic. The left hand side that is currently yellow lines, would be the dedicated left turn lane. We need four lanes, but we require funding from GDOT or TSPLOST. The resurfacing project is on the short list for that LRA grant I talked about a few weeks ago. Highlands Park: There is no oversized vehicle parking allowed in the park. A city ordinance prohibits oversized vehicle parking in residential areas. Please park elsewhere to avoid being ticketed. Mosquitoes & gnats: Several community members have complained to me about mosquitoes and gnats. I requested the city to spray and they will do so. If the problem persists, please submit a 311 request or let me know. Highlands Park grass cutting: The park is on a rotation for routine grass cutting. During rainy weather, the grass may grow faster. If you see uncontrolled growth, please submit a 311 request (same for overflowing trash cans.) Community feedback: We have a meeting on June 9th to gather more community feedback for the park. We can also gather feedback for the 5-acre tracks in the back of the Highlands as well. However, funding is a barrier as City Council has not allocated any money to phase 2. We have a meeting in August (TBA) where city staff will put together some concepts for us to look at based on feedback from June 9th. Street Lights: These are not controlled by the City of Savannah. If a street light is out in your community or the park, please report it to Georgia Power. It's helpful to have the street lamp number (located on the street lamp) when you make the report. https://www.georgiapower.com/company/safety/outages-and-stormcenter/outage-information/street-light-outage.html Do not forget about the Highlands Community Blood Drive on May 28th!! Please sign up and reserve your spot! https://www.redcrossblood.org/give.html/drive-results?zipSponsor=highlands
5.27.24 News
Meeting to rezone parcels to industrial light use allowing for warehouses. MPC Agenda Historically Highland residents have been opposed to the rezoning of the area since the first proposal in 2017.
Please email Morrowe@thempc.org to voice your opinion.
6.23.24 News
Community meeting to discuss Phase 2 of "Highlands Park"
7.15.24 News
Email sent to the City of Savannah regarding what the community would like to see in Phase 2 of "Highlands Park"
7.30.24 News
Highlands 2023-2024 crime analysis
7.31.24 Update
Alfa & C17 Tract Update
9.23.24 Townhall
Proposal Presentation from the developer regarding the Alfa & C17 Tracts.
The HNA is only relaying information and is not for or against the proposal.